Sunrise Bible Study Group Gathering
Shenandoah Crossings Resort, Gordonsville, VA
Day 2 - April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28, was not an unusual morning for members of the SRBSG present at the VA gathering. We rose around 5:30 to gather at the cabin of Bill (K8BDR) and Eric (KB4MTS) & Jackie. Bill had the station running just fine as well as the use of the Internet Dashboard and RemoteHams. The RF was great and the radio was our primary mode of sharing. Del (WB8FYR) was net control for the first morning at our VA Gathering.

Although Laurel (WA9RDL) was active on the net from the VA Gathering, he checked in via RemoteHams Internet connection from his cabin about 1/2 mile away from the Net Control cabin. Sorry Laurel, you missed out on the pictures.

Eric (KB4MTS), Jim (KE4NLI), Tom (WA1RHP) and George (N2LAH) are prepared with Bible and other electronic devices for the SRBSG Bill (K8BDR) checks our the radio during the prenet of the SRBSG. Steve (N2COJ) sits by in anticipation of the start
Tony (W2VTJ), Eric (KB4MTS), Tom (WA1RHP), and Jim (KE4NLI) Jim (NG1Y) prepares for the start as he follows check-ins on his laptop
Bill (K8BDR) continues to call stations during the prenet Jerry (N9TU) takes his turn at the mic as Tom (WA1RHP) and Goerge (N2LAH) wait in the background for their turn
Del (WB8FYR) in the background is the net control and has turned the mic to Jerry (N9TU) for his turn as reading his Scripture assignment Del (WB8FYR) serves as net control as Bill (K8BDR) assists in logging
Steve (N2COJ) operates a computer (possibly RemoteHams) as Tony (W2VTJ) and Jerry (N9TU) listen intently Tom (WA1RHP) in the background with Jim (KE4NLI) and George (N2LAH) listen intently. Jim smiles as it may be his trun coming up
Eric (KB4MTS) and Jim (NG1Y) appear to be right into the study Bill (K8BDR) says it's my kitchen and I'll cook if I want to. The scrambled eggs and sausage are being prepared. What a treat.

After our breakfast there was a little break of rest and then many of us gathered together again in the cabin of Del (WB8FYR) & Ruth, Jim (NG1Y), and Jim (KE4NLI). This cabin had the furniture set up much as when we arrived and there was more room there than in the cabin with the radio station. Here are more pictures taken during this morning of fellowship. Take note that Fred (KC2ZER) and Barbara also arrived from their nearby vacation at a timeshare about 40 miles to the west.

Steve (N2COJ) & Esther, Jim (NG1Y), and George (N2LAH) & Sharon Jim (KE4NLI) and Barbara & Fred (KC2ZER). Wow, Fred, you sure brought some laughter our way.
Jim (KE4NLI) and Barbara & Fred (KC2ZER) George (N2LAH) & Sharon and Ruth (WD8ODG)
Bill (K8BDR), Jim (KE4NLI), and Barbara & Fred (KC2ZER) Sharon McCue, Ruth (WD8ODG), and Bill (K8BDR)
Bill (K8BDR), Jerry (N9TU), Tom (WA1RHP), and Steve (N2COJ). Now Bill, you must have been trying to make a point, right?  

Tuesday evening brought two of the most special events of the Gathering. First it was a dinner at the Inwood Restaurant in Gordonsville which was hosted by our dear borther, Bill (W2BWL). Thanks so much Bill for your generosity; it was such a wonderful time together.

The second event of Tuesday evening after we had dinner together was the sharing of the Communion Sacrament. Jackie Disher had prepared the unleavened bread for us and the service was directed by our two brother Elders, Eric (KB4MTS) and Bill (W2BWL). This will be an evening we who participated will never forget. We also had our hearts in prayer for our brother Dave (W1DV) who had this Communion service as an idea from the early planning stages. We missed you Dave, but our hearts went out to you during the whole week.

Sorry, I was a poor camera man during both of these special events and did not take any pictures. Maybe someone else has a few that I can put here in place of this paragraph.

Thus, concluded the second day of fellowship of the SRBSG on April 28, 2015. Continue on to rise and shine for April 29 Gathering

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