Sunrise Bible Study Group Gathering
Shenandoah Crossings Resort, Gordonsville, VA
Days 3 & 4 - April 29-30, 2015

Wednesday, April 29, was a day that again started with the SRBSG gathering around the ham radio in the cabin of Bill (K8BDR) and Eric (KB4MTS) & Jackie. Following this, the day was mostly casual giving time for folks to do what interested them. Some went to the Jefferson Home at Monticello and others relaxed around the resort seeing the beautiful spring views. The following pictures depict some of these activities.

An interesting display of testimony along the road leading to the Shenandoah Crossings Resort Two brothers digging into the breakfast goodies on Wednesday morning
One of the pictures captured by Jerry from the south side of Izac Lake One of the pictures captured by Jerry from the south side of Izac Lake
One of the pictures captured by Jerry from the south side of Izac Lake One of the pictures captured by Jerry from the south side of Izac Lake
A view of one of the clocks at Monticello Jefferson Home Tony (W2VTJ) attempts to pass as a statesman among the statesman statues Monticello
Ok, Bill, get that camera focused just right so Jackie can capture that picture of the group  

After returning from the Jefferson Home at Monticello, we gathered together for a group picture. Several cameras were used, but this represents just one of those pictures that was captured by Jackie. Not all are present in this picture, but it does show eight who were still present on Wednesday evening before some departed for home. This has been a week of precious memories together for the SRBSG Gathering at Shenandoah Crossings Virginia.

Several left on Wednesday evening including Bill (K8BDR) with his ham radio. We gathered together that evening for an evening fellowship at the third of the three-bedroom cabins which had been the residence of George (N2LAH) & Sharon, Tony (W2VTJ) & Linda, and Tom (WA1RHP). I didn't capture any picture , but it was a fun evening of sharing stories together.

The last morning was a little different since we were left to use the computers to check into the SRBSG using RemoteHams. Here are a few pictures as we prepared to depart for home. One thing is resolved, we do plan to have this event again and hopefully in about a year.

Tom (WA1RHP) and Jerry (N9TU) have that final breakfast before heading back home Tony (W2VTJ) and George (N2LAH) have that final breakfast before heading back home
Help the editor of this website; who is on the left? Steve (N2COJ) fills his plate one last time  

Thus, concluded the third and fourth days of fellowship of the SRBSG on April 29-30, 2015. Farewell until we meet again.

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